Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

Since we are now 2.5 months behind we thought we would post some shots of where we are now. THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS!!

View from Seymour Norte

Laura at work...
Land Iguana, Seymour Norte

Magnificent Frigate Bird, Seymour Norte

Nesting Waved Albatross on Española Island

Josh with a Giant Tortoise, El Chato, Santa Cruz

The Galapagos is not a place for backpackers, so to save money towards a few nights accomadation we made our own snorkels out of electrical conduit for 30 centavos each and have been wearing our speedo goggles (thanks Heather and Ashley!).

Swimming with sea lions

Stay tuned for more Galapagos shots in a few months...


Peter Brand said...

Happy Canada Day to you two too! Love the conduit snorkles!! How far above the surface do they reach? Do they ever droop and give you a lung full? Do they leak around the 'mouthpiece'? Maybe you should post instructions for manufacture and use on your blog, to prevent fellow budget conscious travelers from drowning?! :-) Love the Faces of Latin America that you are sharing with us. Put me down for the book!

Unknown said...

Happy Canada Day from Mum and Dad! Your swimming with the sea lion photo is amazing.
Can't get over how close you can get to all the animals. Love, Mum