Friday, November 28, 2008

Our Time in Guanajuato (2 of 3) The School


The front entrance to our Spanish School

The classroom building. Each class could hold a max of 5-6 students but most had less.


Our favourite


Laura holding the secret ingredient to almost all Mexican recipes.... soup broth... Luckily we found this vegetarian version because otherwise Laura would not have been able to eat any of our creations.



The best part


We are both now completely fluent in Spanish :P

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Hi Guys,
Still loving these pictures. The places you are travelling to look so interesting. We are here in the fog and today there are 24 days left til Christmas. One thing I do like about the fog is all of the fog horns. Keep having fun and stay safe. Can't wait til you get to the other side of the peninsula. You're going to love the ocean on that side. Marianne